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Latvia Golden Visa for Capital Share Investors



One time injection in eligible business

*May vary depending on type and structure of business.  

€ 10,000

One time state duty to be paid after approval of residence permit


Additional State Duty


Additional Statutory Fees


€ 2,000-4,000*

Various fees to bank and Government departments and residential address lease.


*May vary depending on family size, priority processing fees and cost of residential address lease

€ 40,000*

Company ( not you ) becomes liable to pay minimum annual taxes when a foreigner is added as capital share investor


*Must continue as long as foreign investor remains in the company.

Annual Tax Liability of Company


Residency Validity


5 years


Residence Card must be renewed annually in person in Latvia. No minimum annual stay required to retain your residency.

Permanent Residence can be acquired by those who settle in Latvia and stay here for at least 4 years in 5 year period. Latvian langugae A2 level exam must be cleared.

45 days* 


It usually takes initial 30 days for our lawyers to prepare all the documentation for the residency application pack.


Upon transfer of the capital to the Latvian company, *if investor can visit Latvia on any Schengen visa, we process all and convert the status to residence permit within as short as 10 working days by paying fast track fees to the immigration department. Been there, done that. Proven.


See this information on government Page

Residence Permit Application Process Timeline


Advisory Fee Package 

  • ​Market intelligence and business advisory

  • Introduction to qualified, successful Latvian businesses

  • Investor profile matchmaking

  • Financial due diligence on businesses by professional auditors 

  • Share contract drafting by lawyers

  • Bank account setup assistance

  • Immigration & visa assistance

Yes, I am interested

But again. Why Latvia ?

For those who are looking to start a new life in Europe and willing to commit to staying in Latvia full time, path to permanent settlement is clear.


Latvia offers a relatively low cost life, specially renting apartments, comparatively to other EU countries.


If you are coming to make it your 'forever home', then path is simple.


  1. Get residency here by investing, working, doing business

  2. Stay put here for at least  4 out of 5 years

  3. Pay your taxes diligently

  4. Pass level A2 exam of Latvian language. We suggest to start learning early from year one. Latvian is not very easy but interesting. Grammar of Latvian is somewhat similar to Hindi for example.

  5. Upon completing 5 years in Latvia, apply for Permanent Residence Permit. You may apply for citizenship after 5 more years. However, PR status is just enough to improve your EU wide mobility.


For those not willing to commit staying here immediately. What are the benefits ?


Once you set foot here, there is no limit to your expansion into other European countries. Let Latvia be your starting home base.


Residency approval within 4-6 weeks ! Do you know of any other country that does it ?? In my last 10 years in Europe, I am yet to find one like it.


Our real case studies have demonstrated that ;


  • Latvia offers a fast entry into EU-Schengen zone. Just within 4-6 weeks.

  • Our Capital Share Investor program of Latvia is most economic in Europe. A minimum investment of Euro 50,000 plus Euro 10,000 as one-off fee to Government and legal consulting fee to a firm like us, to the tune of Euro 15-20,000. That's it, you get a 5 year residency permission. You may just jump back to the top of this page to read the requirements again, just in case, you missed the big bold colorful boxes above :-)

  • Opportunity to enjoy residency without managing a business. You can become a silent investor in successful company. No need to be hero or too adventurous here.

  • With a residency in a Schengen country, opportunity to explore other bigger EU countries for business or investment become easy. Yes, you can now start a business in many other Schengen countries, without the need for immediate residence permit in that other country. If the long term plan is to settle in another EU country, we can help you understand how it would work for you. Just talk to us.

  • Visa-free entry/exit into Schengen countries to facilitate your urgent plans to be in Europe.

  • No minimum stay requirement, unless you plan to acquire permanent residency in Latvia. Depending on type of your residence permit and long terms goals, Latvia does not insist on the 183 day body presence rule. Once a year trip to renew your residence card is often enough.


Talk to us more about this topic. We have more boxes to tick for you. 


Check out our Case Studies page for recent examples



Types of companies you can invest into

Based on your risk appetite and long term goals, you may invest in different types and structures of companies.




We match you with  successfully operating companies who already easily exceed the annual tax threshold 5-10 x for the past 3/4/5 and even some companies are 40 years in business. These companies are the safest to invest in.

Advantages of category A

You get associated with a well reputed, successful AAA rated company with a clean and robust tax history, reputation to uphold, connections with top Governmental officials and with some serious business activity and contracts, assured sales and profits  in the bag. These are the type of companies that can protect and renew your residency for 5-10-15 years without a problem.  

Disadvantages of category A

Such company owners are often aloof and do not really need you or your small capital. They avoid risk of diluting their corporate structure  with foreigners they do not know. Their main question is ''What's in it for us"? Why should we involve a foreigners if we have to pay back the capital and offer profit share. So, such companies do not pay any or a very small interest and do not offer to pay back your capital. Basically you pay for the long term security of your residency. 

We match you with relatively newer yet promising businesses, capable of paying more than the minimum annual tax threshold, well managed, needing expansion. Usually, we need to combine at least 5-10 foreign investors in such a business for it to expand and succeed. 



of category B

Such businesses can offer some profit share in addition to sponsoring you for a residence permit. Owners are more flexible and even open to mutually benefitting negotiation. Perhaps create you a position and pay a salary, only if you are willing to get your hands dirty and grind in the management of the business.

Disadvantages of category B

Risk associated with such a business can be slightly higher than category A companies. However in our experience, our carefully chosen companies are performing well and are diligent in paying the needed taxes to safeguard your residence permit in Latvia.


Usually such companies have quite low registered capital, perhaps even as low as 2800 Euros. So adding a capital share investor and giving him a tiny equity in the company or class B shares is not  acceptable to immigration authority. Be very careful. Not just any company can just take in investors. That's why we represent carefully selected companies.

We simply assist you in setting up your own business here or buying an existing one.  You will bring in capital of Euro 50,000 minimum into your own business. Then we say 'Goodbye' and will not be involved or responsible for the success of your business. Of course we can support you and give you some tricks to succeed in the harsh Latvian market. But the onus of success of this business is on your own shoulders.



Advantages of category C

You enjoy total control of your capital and the business management. 


You can make a living from such a business with your own hard work, if you really have a good plan.


Disadvantages of category C

Often needs a solid business plan and is not recommended for those who have not lived in Latvia for a few years. 


Your business has to generate enough income from month one to be able to pay €40,000 in state taxes year on year.


Your risk losing your capital, effort and residence permit if your business does not succeed.

Co-investing opportunities

These are some of the type of Latvian companies we currently represent and seek investors with a capital of Euro 50,000 - Euro 200,000. Each investor will qualify for Latvian residence permit along with dependent family members. Note that each month, more and more successful businesses are being added to our portfolio.

Yes, I am Interested to Speak 

Still not ready to talk ? 

Then lets take a deep dive


The Latvian "Capital Share Investor Program". Also known as "Golden Visa" for investing into the equity capital of a Latvian company. Let's take a deep dive.


Have you been watching TV series  like Shark Tank or Dragon's Den ? If not, please do find it on Youtube and watch it. It would make this concept easier to understand. 


Imagine, in this case, you are "THE SHARK". Just a shark looking for better life across the ocean :-) 


Simply put, you invest in promising or already successful Latvian business, by buying small equity share. Then you hope that company will succeed and you will earn some profits. Remember, all business investments are at risk. 


The massive added perk here is that investor and his/her family members can enjoy rights and benefits of a residence permit in Latvia


However, the focus is more on maintaining your residency for years to come, and not so much in profiting from your small investment. 


Latvian company also takes a risk to involve a stranger from another country. The capital and change of structure of the company also poses effort and unfamiliar hassles to the business owner. 


However, the business owner is attracted to additional cash capital, at a relatively smaller cost or no cost, compared to a bank loan.


Where does the Latvian Capital Investor visa stand in context of the European Investment Migration Trend for 2023 onward


Investing in an active business is the future of European migration.


EU is clamping down on easy-to- get Golden Visas by passive investment.  Ireland closed. Portugal and Spain are next in line. As such, Latvia is back on the map


Our Capital Share investor program is just right in context of the changing scenario in Europe. For you, the investor, It is a 'passive' investment into an 'active' business here in Latvia. Per say, you do not manage the day to day affairs of the business but own small equity in the company along with other investors. 


Easy to setup but bit complex to maintain. That's why you need to choose your advisory team carefully here, with ethics and experience. To help you select the right company to invest into.


Talk to us about how your long term settlement in Europe would become a plausible reality with the Latvian program as your entry point.


Eligibility requirements


You can get a residence permit by investing into the capital of a Latvian business.


1. Simply put, you inject minimum Euro 50,000 capital  in a Latvian business. This amount ideally must be higher than Euro 50,000 to satisfy the Government that it isn't for the sole purpose of buying a residence permit, but rather a genuine investment from an investor with somewhat matching profile with the business he/she is investing into. This qualifying investment requirement goes straight up to Euro 100,000 if the company's turnover is more than Euro 10 Million a year. But lets talk minimums for now.


2. Pay Euro 10,000 one time state duty to the Government upon approval of your residence application.


3. Pay additional statutory costs relating to residential address, bank account, immigration fees and medical insurance. Around Euro 5,000.


3. In addition you will pay consulting fee to a lawyer/consultant who can facilitate the investment and immigration process. Our firm for example charges different fees based on the work involved in each category listed below. This can range from Euro 15,000 and above


Sounds Simple Enough.


But what's the catch ?


Well, the company you invest into now becomes liable to pay a minimum of Euro 40,000 in annual taxes. Yes, what a bummer.


If you came to Latvia with a brilliant business plan and have it all figured out, you may even start your own business under this route. You will need to manage to pay the mandatory taxes every year.


But note if any given year if you cannot pay the mandatory taxes, then sorry, you will rediscover the nice minimalist Riga Airport on your way out of Latvia and back to your own motherland


Well, then how to find a successful business ? What is our solution ?


Well, this is where we come in. The experienced yet practical helper, the consultants. Yes, that's what we do. We earn a living by trying to minimize your risk, fears and uncertainties.


Without our mediation, in a foreign country that you do not know the ways of, you are just doomed to fail, unless again, you have it all figured out. Unless you believe in the element of 'Luck and Prayers'.


Well, in short, we hunt for the good mushrooms in this corporate forest in Latvia. Yes, just like any other country, companies in Latvia are like mushrooms, they appear, disappear, like the seasons. 


As experienced industry detectives, we connect you to 'Reliable' companies, with proven history tax history, solid present financials and plausible future prospects. 


Some of the companies we represent are as old as 50 years. Successful in business in Latvia and pay millions in state taxes each year.


We introduce you to companies in the Construction, Transport, Timber, Restaurants, Car lease, Accounting and auditing, Translation Services, and Engineering sectors  and many more.


Yes, I am interested


Extract from the Latvian Government Authority Webpage .  Read here


If the foreigner has invested in the equity capital of a capital company by increasing it, or has invested in the equity capital of the capital company, founding a new capital company, and requesting for the first temporary residence permit has paid EUR 10 000 into the State budget, as well as the investment made is at least:


a) EUR 50 000, and it has been performed in a capital company, which employs no more than 50 employees, the annual turnover or annual balance of which does not exceed EUR 10 million. Upon investing in the equity capital of one capital company, a temporary residence permit shall be issued to no more than 10 foreigners, if each of them has made the investment laid down in this paragraph and paid EUR 10 000 into the State budget,


b) EUR 100 000 and it has been performed in the capital company, which employs more than 50 employees and total annual turnover or annual balance thereof exceed EUR 10 million,


c) EUR 100 000 and it has been performed in the equity capital of a capital company, which together with one or several subsidiaries registered in the Republic of Latvia employs more than 50 employees and total annual turnover or annual balance thereof exceed EUR 10 million;


Residence permit granted for :  Not exceeding 5 years


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