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Experts, who understand the pain points of Non EU citizens


Navdeep Singh
Leader of the pack. IMC member

Well, if you are surprised to see a foreigner heading the show, don't be. Who else understands the pain of NON EU citizens looking for a better life in Europe ? Definitely not a European. Ask a European if he/she know the painful process of repeated Schengen visa applications. You will get a strange look, that's all.  Well, I have been there done that, burnt money, found solutions that work and learnt to avoid what does not work. Remember, wise investor learns from other's mistakes, not from their own :)

Get to know me in Linkedin

I have travelled 25 countries of the Schengen zone, understood the immigration policy of each and created a carefully curated network of local experts to partner with.


Out of my own bitter and better experiences, empathy towards my fellow expats is embedded in my DNA.


As such, I help NON - EU citizens find investments or other solutions in Latvia that provide them with the privilege of relocating to Latvia. Be it investing in successful companies here or real estate or Government securities or into Financial Institutions or simply just to retire based on a proven pension income.

Navdeep Singh often called 'Nav' by his international colleagues, is an experienced Investment Migration Planner with 25 years in the industry. With an impressive career in UAE since early 2000 and  in Europe since 2013, Nav is often invited to be a part of many expert panels at various international Investment Migration Conferences including in India, Turkey, Malta, Portugal and so on.  Nav is certified member of the Investment Migration Council, the regulatory organization that monitors Investment Migration Advisors across the globe.  Please see certificate at the bottom of this page.


While Nav is the CEO and partner of Proserve SIA in Latvia, he also provides his knowledge of the European Investment migration options and consulting services through a leading Investment Migration Advisory firm with over 20 offices globally. Nav is on an outsource contract as  Director of Client Advisory. He offers deep dives into the residency and citizenship programs offered by Latitude.


Nav's main focus is on all European investment migration programs with special on ground experience in Portugal, Malta, Spain, Greece and of course Latvia being his home base.  You will see his various articles and expert advice in his personal Linkedin Profile. Please make an effort to go through his posts.


Nav offers you that  essential  'Been there done that' confidence.  Living in Latvia since 2015, with a wife and two daughters who are Latvian citizens. 


The entire eco-system that Nav has created here in Latvia, helps us provide credible Golden Visa solutions while representing some of the most reputed and stable companies here.  


The continuation of it all


In 2018, Proserve was formed and we offer advice to those who may be interested in all things Latvia. Well let us try to forget the two years wasted through COVID. There were no clients, as Latvian Golden Visa requires a client to visit us here. This is not a remote process. But now we are back on the map


Anyway, over the years, through trial and errors, and of course having burnt own money on various ventures, we have now created a network and an eco-system where we are able to share our failures & successes with hopeful clients and offer them an understanding of what works and what is just a gamble. 


So if you are an astute, clever investor, needing tried and tested solutions, you come to us. If you are a gambler by nature, there are many other service providers in Latvia, your google search must continue.


Why we may be a bit different, bit better


We provide investment based solutions that result in residency in Latvia and the solutions have been solid and sustained my client's residency for long terms. Some of our clients are now in their 6th year of continued residency here. 


To safeguard your residency is our primary goal.


Reliable partnerships through hard earned trust


It would be foolish to say that a one man show can do it all. No. We combine different expertise of different experts, while using each others' network, reach, our unique knowledge. With all our expertise combined, we as a group  Latvian-Indian unit provide 


Speed of our work is what we are truly proud of. With a turn around of 21 days in obtaining a residency permit for a client probably cannot be beaten in any other European country.



Meet Our Support Experts

In order to manage all aspects related to a successful investment and residency application for our clients, we are proud of our team of certified expert associates. 

Background of the Latvian Golden Visa 


Prior to 2014, the Latvian investment scene was dominated by Russian investors. It would not be wrong to say that Latvian economy was somewhat dominated by Russian investment.  Resort towns such a 'Jurmala'  with luxurious beach side mansions were primarily a 90%  Russian millionaire's domain. This is one of the loved country of Russians. They love the coastal beaches and the beautiful architecture of 'Riga city' and the breathtakingly clean and pure environment of Latvia.


Russian influence in Latvia cannot be denied. They have contributed to the success and development of this country in a massive way.  Latvian Government was indeed very comfortable in this comfort zone, which has been shaken up by the geo political events since  2014.


Latvian Golden visa, one could say, was primarily designed to bring back the Russian investment into Latvia. It was an easy residency option for them, by buying a property worth Euro 75,000 since 2010.  Latvia still used its old currency of LATs. 


However since  2014, things changed and, then eventually the Golden Visa  rules.  Minimum investment was raised to Euro 250,000 straight from the previous Euro 72,000.


Russian investors  dropped significantly thereafter, as it became unaffordable for the masses.


Well, the Golden Visa still continues, but numbers have not been impressive.  COVID did not do any favors to the country.


Now, however, many firms are trying to bring Latvia back on the map. However, very few firms like ours are focused on the Company Capital Share investor program. However many firms offer the real estate option. 


Why use us as your advisory firm 


Our focus was always towards clients out of Asia, UAE, India, Pakistan, Africa, Israel, Middle East etc. While 90% of lawyers, accountants, real estate agents in Latvia were always only focused on the Russian investors. Why look elsewhere when you had a great source market.  Most lawyers and consultants in Latvia spoke Russian and it was easier for them to communicate.


However, Nav's  strength was always to advise and assist English speaking clients. Since 2015, we brought investors, mainly from UAE into Latvia, while Nav worked out of Dubai. 

Yes, I am interested in discussing one or more Latvian residency options

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